National Economic Registry

October 8, 2024

United Arab Emirates has introduced the NER or National Economic Registry, a strategic manoeuvre that aims to improve business effectiveness and its growth. NER is a platform that will help gather data about the businesses in Dubai.

NER will provide accurate business data about the businesses operating in the United Arab Emirates. This way private and public sectors could be able to take rightful decisions, which will save the businesses from taking the wrong decisions.

NER will provide information about the businesses and the trade licenses. It will increase the UAE’s digital business infrastructure. What are the key features of NER, let’s throw the light.

  1. Data Platform

NER has the task of grabbing data from various economic entities. It enables users to get the business information of a business, and its trade license, throughout all the Emirates. It provides the latest results as well as accurate.

NED has the task of encouraging and promoting business transparency. When the data available will be transparent then this way users can grab accurate data about businesses and their operations. This centralized data platform will help the users to grab real and advanced information about businesses in the United Arab Emirates.

It will help to promote the plan of the UAE government to create diversification and enhancement in UAE businesses.

  1. Creates Ease

NER also has the task of creating ease for the users. It aims to create ease for business registration, and license renewal. Businesses can manage the processes easily, and it also reduces the time to handle such matters. It will enhance the business efficiency. Digital transformation will also be enhanced.

  1. Increasing the confidence of investors

Investors want to be sure that they are going to invest in the right place, right time and in the right business. Therefore they need to have the data and information about a business. This way they can easily decide about the decision about to invest or not, in any business in the UAE. NER will play a vital role in boosting the confidence of investors. This way NER will also be supporting the investments in UAE.

  1. Helpful for business policies

NER is not going to support only the businesses or the investors. It will also support the policymakers in making the policies. It will help the policymakers to make effective business policies. The business policies are policies for business growth, investments, employment generation and more.

  1. Connected with other government departments

NER is made as strong, and independent but connected with other government departments. This way NER will have the advanced and latest data. This coordination will allow the NER to provide advanced data. NER aims to help small and medium businesses particularly.

The established businesses can be easily traced or the information about them is not hard to find. Therefore small and medium businesses are the key focus of NER where investors can easily grab the information about businesses.


NER removes bureaucratic obstacles, with highly efficient services, to create a powerful and strong position for the UAE in the business world and to make the UAE as a business hub. The new platform covers activities around 2000 all over the UAE. As we discussed above, users can have better access to business and company data this way.

The secrecy and privacy of the companies will also be maintained. NER has data on 1.5 million commercial trade licenses. It is a step forward to improve the business environment, in the United Arab Emirates. It’s a step forward to increase and boost the confidence of investors.

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