Labour-Employment Law Attorney & Services
June 29, 2020
Labour & Employment related issues are faced by every type of business in the United Arab Emirates, whether big business, medium business or only small business. The boom of business which came in Dubai and the other Emirates of UAE, after the discovery of OIL, brought ambitious people here to UAE. It created many opportunities as well as, disputes. It raised the disputes of Employment, Business, Financial, Family, Property and More. Therefore the Government makes the Federal Laws which are implemented and executed with the help of forces and the judiciary. Labour & Employment is a very common issue in UAE because of the rich business opportunities, rich business culture and saturated trade market. Labour & Employment Lawyers and Law Firms are also available that are meant to provide legal advice and are meant to provide legal services.
UAE Labour Law
UAE Labour Law covers all the aspects and dimensions and provides numerous provisions for the protection of Labour/Employee rights. Every Employer must adhere to these laws while conducting daily operations of the business. Labour & Employment Lawyers in Dubai are exceptionally skilled professionals and offer advice and services for various types of issues to clients. It’s better if they are hired by hiring a Law Firm. They help out the people/employers in the following matters;
- Employment Visa Process
- VISA Cancellation
- VISA Renewal
- Any kind of Legal Advice
- Any kind of Legal Service
- Arbitrary Dismissal
- Labour Contract Drafting
- Labour Contract Renewals
- Internal Contract Drafting
- Internal Contract Renewal
- Unpaid Salaries
- Unpaid End of Service Benefits
- Unpaid Profits/If any
- Immigration-related matters
- Performance Issues
- Behaviour Issues
- Gratuity Matters
- Human rights and Equity issues
- Judicial reviews
Labour & Employment Lawyers in UAE
Labour & Employment Lawyers in UAE, not only offer services to individuals who are affected by decisions of Employers, but also to companies and large organizations on how to handle labour issues. If not handled timely and professionally these labour issues can lead to damage to the reputation to these companies. These lawyers help employers while drafting employment contracts, hiring employees, terminating employees, training the employees and paying the employees. They help employers to draft Non-Competition and Non-Disclosure agreements. Migrant workers who move to the UAE for better job opportunities often face problems due to the language barrier. Before signing any contract, it is best to consult a lawyer. An attorney can help understand all the clauses of the contract regarding the laws of UAE and bring to light small details or clauses of your contract that might affect you in the future. Similarly, a labour lawyer can also be consulted when a contract is terminated wrongfully or to help get any settlements or to resolve any issues with the employers.
Labour & Employment Lawyers are trained to handle various kinds of labour and employment disputes and offer result-oriented legal services. There is no Good Lawyer or bad Lawyer or average Lawyer. Its a totally false category designed by stupid people who have been memorised by those people who also do not use common sense. Lawyers in UAE, are the lawyers only or they are not the lawyers. Lawyers can be relevant or irrelevant. If the Lawyer is not fully specialised then you need to choose the specialised one. It means that if the Case is about Family Law then Family Lawyers should be selected. If the Case is about Rentals then Property and Rental Law should be selected.
We would like to share legal knowledge here that the Notice Period should be served as per the Employment Contract. The employee is paid for this time period as well. If the Employer does not want an employee to come to the office/factory or to work then still he has to pay him for the Notice Period. If both parties are willing that neither the employee will work nor the employer will pay, then it should be given a written shape, so either party can take legal action.