Family Courts Dubai
March 27, 2022
Family Courts in Dubai are the separate courts in Dubai located in Garhoud near Garhoud Bridge. It is made separately to pay more attention to Personal Status Cases. Therefore, this court is also called as Personal Status Court in Dubai. Divorce, Child Custody, Alimony etc are part of family cases therefore this court is also called Divorce Courts Dubai by the people. The name given by Law is Personal Status Court Dubai which is commonly and popularly known as Family Courts Dubai.
It is a service offered by the Dubai Government in Family Courts Dubai to provide reconciliation or solutions. If reconciliation does not work then the same court helps both parties to manage the divorce, amicable divorce, child custody, alimony, NAFAQH and other relevant things, in order to finish a marriage, as per Law. For Muslim Couples and Muslim Males, the Law applies is Sharia Law. For Non-Muslim Couples the law can be Sharia or as per their selection, which is allowed or possible. Family Guidance Dubai Court is under UAE Jurisdiction, where the world’s best justice services are available without any discrimination. Family Guidance Section Dubai is ordered not to make mistakes and entertain the people in a professional way.
Who Can File the Case:
Every resident of Dubai can file a case in Dubai. A person has to be a resident to file the family case in personal dispute court.
Arabic is Court Language:
Like other Courts, the court proceeding language is Arabic. All the documents and legal explanations, required to be submitted in court, have to be in Arabic. If these are in other languages then should be translated into Arabic first.
Premises Description: Family Guidance Section in Dubai
Three Courts like any other Court or the Case;
Procedure at Family Courts Dubai:
Previously the initial complaint or the request for the amicable action was used to be filled in Courts. Now the complainant or either party has to go to AL Adheed Center for lodging the complaint. The mediation process by family guidance section dubai, is mandatory even though the divorce is without dispute.
For Amicable Divorce:
A separate or side agreement has to be drafted which is drafted by the law experts. People should consult the Emirati Family Law Advocates first then they should make the agreement. We suggest consulting the Emirati Family Lawyers like Ask The Law Al Shaiba Advocates and Legal Consultants, providing them with your amicable terms and letting such Law Firms prepare the side agreement. Sometimes one party is getting the services of a law expert and tries to make the other party fool. Though the false law added inside the agreement will not be acknowledged by the personal status court but there are many things that can be used for the sake of the benefit of a party. Therefore, the side agreements must be made by the expert Emirati Advocates. For example:
As we mentioned above that as per UAE Law and as Per Family Status Law UAE, nothing can be added or made part of the agreement that is invalid as per the Law or not legitimate. Law will not accept such false agreements as these are having the status of VOID Ab Initio type of contracts, though such contracts are only found in corporate matters. We are just mentioning the idea and better understanding. But better to engage by hiring the Emirati Family Lawyer or Divorce Lawyer.
How to step inside the Family Courts: Rules and Procedures
1- Submission of Request/Complaint: Statement of Claim
When there is an amicable divorce then a request is submitted which is also called a statement of request. When there is a dispute then either party record the initial complaint which is called a statement of claim.
The client knows the situation better than any person in the world. He just needs to meet the Advocate and ask him about the legal guidelines. The lawyer will tell you about the right complaint. Nowadays the requests/complaints through the statement of claim are registered in Al Adheed Center.
2- Mediation Session
Mediation sessions are conducted by the Mediation Authorities before the court. They call both parties at mediation meetings and want to know about the dispute and why do they want an amicable divorce or another way. Mediators, there also try to resolve the matter. If it could not be then this matter at mediation session is referred to Family Court. The mediation session date can be after 2-3 weeks of submitting the request.
If you find other Lawyers or Law Firms to write very fancy content in this regard. Then let us tell you this is not exactly like that. The process is quite simple to meet a lawyer. Get his assistance to know about your legal rights and obligations, submit your request to family court centres e.g. Al Adheed Center and wait for the time when mediation does not prove successful and the case is submitted to Family Court/Personal Status Court.
3- Court Notifications
Initial Court Notifications also called Summons are sent to both parties. If the provided addresses are not wrong then it might take 2-3 Weeks. If someone says it will take a long time, then he is wrong.
Court Summons have to be received by both parties. If an address is not found then the court will issue the process of the investigation process. The investigation Process has to make sure that summons have hit the door of the party who has to receive known as DEFENDER. Security Institutions like CID can also be involved to find out the person here. We recommend that if the respondent is absent then the plaintiff should try to find the address of the defender, so time could be saved.
4- Court Case
It’s the process where it can take time. Once the case is forwarded to the court and the case number is generated then lawyers of both parties have to appear in court. Here the time comes when the court might take the time. UAE Family Courts carefully examine the situation, then give the final verdict. Here three court levels are involved. Therefore, either party has the right to file appeals.
5- Legal Memorandums
Legal Memorandums are the court submission papers. Lawyers have to draft the legal memorandums, in the Arabic language which is the court language. Legal Memos are the explanations of the whole matter prepared by the Lawyer/Lawyer.
6- Final Verdict
After listening to both parties, carefully examining the situation, and checking the facts, the first court gives the final verdict.
1st Court’s verdict can be appealed. Appeal Court Verdict can also be appealed in Cassation Court.
7- Family Court Dubai Location
Family Court Dubai Location: Find Here
8– Dubai Family Court Contact Number
04 334 7777