UAE Judicial System
September 20, 2023
UAE has a well-structured, and well-planned judicial system. The judicial system of United Arab Emirates, operate at two different levels e.g. Federal and Local Levels.
Dual Structure:
UAE has a functional “Dual-Level” structure. It was introduced to ensure effective administration, implementation of justice. It is also made sure that justice is quick and based on merit. At the federal level, the judiciary is involved in overseeing the entire country. There are different levels known as Federal and Local in country. The entire judicial system of the UAE consists of “Three Main Levels of Courts”. The aim is to provide access to justice and equal treatment for every citizen and resident.
Court of First Instance:
It is the primary court in the country. The Court of First Instance handles a vast variety of legal cases. The courts cover cases related to civil, commercial, administrative, labour, criminal, personal status disputes, and a few others.
Experts are the “Experts” in different fields who are appointed by the Court or sometimes by clients, privately as well. They conduct an investigation, prepare a report and submit it to the court. Court/Judge takes or may take support from such investigation reports for passing the judgements.
Court of Appeal:
It is the second level of courts in UAE. The Court of Appeal takes care of all the appeals coming from the Court of First Instance. The stakeholders who are disgruntled or discontented with the rulings of the Court of First Instance can seek guidance here. They can request the court to review their legal case. There is a minimum amount criteria to reach here. Please Check with our Lawyers and Legal Consultants about this.
Court of Cassation:
It is the highest level of court in the country. It is also known as the Federal Supreme Court of UAE. This Court at the Federal Level. They are accountable and responsible for reviewing the decisions made in Appeal Court. They will only consider legal cases with certain grounds that are clearly defined by the statute of the country.
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