Revealing the secrets and disclosures:
October 19, 2023
The legal content is about defamation, or insult and the victims of defamation and insult. It is not allowed in UAE to insult anyone, harass anyone or bring some defamation to anyone. The laws and rules are available in UAE to provide justice to victims and get them compensated. Federal Law 35, 1992 is about Criminal Procedural Law, Federal Law 5, 1992, and Federal Law 3 from the UAE Penal Code, are for highlighting this issue. This article deals with Defamation, Insult, Slander etc.
Law defines defamation as an act of communication, about a person and bringing harmful effects for the person. Libel is defined as the publishing of a false statement. Slander is to destroy or damage the respect or reputation of a person. Disclosure is defined as revealing personal information or secrets.
Right to lodge the complaint and time to lodge the complaint:
If a person is victimized of any issue above mentioned, then he has a right to lodge a complaint. He has a right to lodge a criminal complaint against the accused. But the complaint has to be registered within 3 months. Once the 3 months have passed then complaint will not be accepted or can’t be accepted. 3 months will be counted from the day the victim comes to know directly or indirectly.
Accused or culprits have to face the legal consequences. Police complaints are forwarded to public prosecution and he takes the decision. Based on the decision a final verdict can also be obtained from Courts. Punishments and fines or sometimes deportation are among the few options. Civil Cases can also be opened for compensation. UAE is among those countries where the respect and prestige of people are secured and protected. For details about fines, punishments and imprisonment please contact top lawyers in dubai. They can share the latest details with you. We are giving here a few references from the law for a better understanding and clarity.
Few References:
As per Article 372, of UAE Penal Code Federal Law 3, For fake publicity, a jail imprisonment is not more than two years. Fine, can’t be more than 20000 AED.
As per Article 373, insulting a person, in front of people, which is against his dignity, can be punished. Punishment can be a jail sentence, for a year and not more than a year. The fine can be a maximum of 20000 AED for this. The defamation through mass media, advertisements, and publications will be a subject to be decided by the Court.
As per article 374, if it is proved that the insult is through the telephone then, a sentence can be one year or the fine can be 20000 AED. It all needs to be proven. Nobody can put a false claim on anybody.
As per Article 376, if any comment or statement is passed, sent in written format, to anyone in UAE who does not contradict with the law-defined rules and limits, it will not be considered an offence or crime. Any reporting, or publicity in good faith will not be considered a crime too.
For getting further details and services please contact our Lawyers and Legal Consultants.