Non-Payment of Civil Claims/Judgements
September 22, 2023
When Civil Cases are planned to file then a common question is asked to Advocates. We will not use the word” Legal Consultant here”, because court representation is only for Emirati National Advocates, who can also be called Emirati Legal Consultants. The common question is, what if the person/party does not pay after the verdict from the court? Even after the court judgement, what might happen if the person/party does not pay. It’s a common question by prospects. What are the options available for the plaintiff? What are the options for the defendants, let’s discuss today.
In the United Arab Emirates, Article 69 Federal Civil Procedure Law, and several relevant articles describe this procedure. The court has to pass the final verdict first. It can be from any court e.g. 1st Court, 2nd Court or 3rd Court. The only difference is that after the verdict from the 3rd Court, only executions are opened or can be opened. After the 1st and 2nd Courts, the appeals can be filled only. The judgment reconsideration request and the request for reversing the judgment between the courts is not being discussed here. After the execution is opened, then payment has to be made or the alternative options can be adopted by plaintiffs. Execution order has also authority where assets and property can also be seized. Court sends the notice to make the payments within 15 Days, from the day/date when the notice is served. What happens if the payment is not made within 15 Days, let’s have a look;
- Stock attachment requests can be filled.
- Bond attachment requests can be filled.
- Property attachment requests can be filled. (It is for the movable property)
- Shared attachment requests can be filled.
- Bankruptcy (Please check with the Lawyers because new Laws are introduced here).
Execution Judge can order the imprisonment of one month which is renewable. It can be extended as well. But the order of imprisonment has to be issued after a proper investigation. A Proper Investigation needs to be conducted by the Execution Judge. He has to check the financial condition of the defender. Execution Judge can also issue consecutive 6 months. An instalment option is available for, the defender while paying the court verdict amount. The Travel Ban is a must during this time. The defender can’t lift it before paying the execution amount. Cabinet Resolution Article 188, and Cabinet Resolution 57 of 2018 explain this phenomenon this way, there are certain conditions where detention orders can’t be issued as well. Lawyers and Legal Consultants can better throw the light on this matter. An article like this can’t cover all the technical and important points. However, as per Article 185, the detention order can’t be issued if the amount is less than AED 10000 (********Except a Few Conditions), and instalments up to 3 years can also be provided. This is also covered by Article 188, Cabinet Resolution 57 of 2018.
It is understood that Imprisonment is part of Execution Judgement. To understand this process, we recommend to consult the Advocates and Legal Consultants. These Advocates and Legal Consultants must be Emirati Nationals and known for having expertise in such cases.
The most important part is to hire professional lawyers so an innocent person can be saved from an unfavourable judgement and could get a favourable judgement. Such services can only be expected from a professional Law Company. Dubai has several professional and trusted Law Firms/Law Companies where just competent and professional advocates are hired. Even though the Emirati Advocate has to be hired that should also be the best attorney for such cases. An expert attorney for Labour and Employment Cases might, not be a good choice for Civil a Criminal Cases.
Learn More Here About: Execution Registrations and Capital Punishments
Few Conditions********
- Alimony
- Fines
Work Obligations etc