Maternity Leave and UAE Labour Law 2022
March 2, 2022
- Article 30 Provisions of the New Employment Law are applicable/applied now. It has revised the OLD laws. Employers should consider before taking the action or any decision.
- As per Article 30, now a Woman Employee can take “60 Days=Two Months” maternity leaves. As far as paying criteria is concerned then, the first “45 Days = Forty-Five Days”, will be fully paid. The remaining 15 days will be half paid by the employer, as per Article 30, & its the revised provisions of Labour and Employment Law(UAE Labour Law).
Read Here About: Labour and Employment Lawyer in Dubai For the Maternity Leaves.
- Another 45 Days can be granted to Woman Employee but without getting paid, if she gets a medical complication or sickness, due to the previous pregnancy. She needs to have a reasonable reason.
- Women employees can still take maternity leave if the baby is born after Six Months(like 7 Month pregnancy).
- A Woman Employee who gives birth to a special child or a sick child is also allowed to take one month of paid leave after the completion of maternity leave.

- Employers are advised to entertain the request for maternity leave as per the choice and ease of women.
- Employers are advised to be flexible with the women workers more than before.
- If it is found that a pregnant employee is working for another employer(Non-Official) then the Office Employer is not entitled to pay her. Law also advises such ladies not to take advantage of the law, though they might be in need of money.
- Women employees can’t be terminated due to pregnancy.
- A woman employee can’t be terminated when she is on maternity leave.
- Once the pregnancy and the maternity leave are finished, then woman employee has to join the office and report to the office about the joining immediately.