Family Courts Sharjah
May 9, 2022
Family Courts Sharjah locates in Al Riqa Suburb, Sharjah. The Family divisions were created in 1998. The aim was to provide legal support and justice in family disputes. The initial process is the same in all the Emirates, where the complaints are lodged first and mediation sessions are conducted. If it is not reached an end then simply forwarded it to Family Court Sharjah. There are third courts here in Sharjah too, like other emirates. Family Guideline Support is the important section here, which helps in services such as:
- Marriage Registration
- Divorce
- Attestation of Marriage Certificate Services
- Decisions about distributing the joint properties and assets
- Custody and Guardian Rights
- Alimonies
- Khula
- Family Counselling
Reconciliation (Al Solh Khair)
Role of Family Lawyers
Family Lawyers are hired for many reasons. They are first hired for getting the legal advice or they are also hired when a case is registered in Family Court Sharjah. These Family Lawyers or Family Lawyers in Sharjah are not allowed to attend the mediation sessions or complaint registration process. They can only appear in Courts and they have to submit their Power of Attorney first.
These Advocates are supposed to help out the people not to loot them or cheat them. Therefore, if the Lawyers/Advocates or the Law Firms will cheat the Clients then they will have to pay for this. Ruler’s Court Sharjah is the solution for such lawyers. If clients are cheated or not represented properly then a complaint can also be lodged against the Lawyers or Law Firms in Sharjah.
Visit Courthouse at Sharjah
When the POA is submitted into the system then a lawyer becomes entitled to represent a client. Is representation is for all the Courts which are the first court, second court and third court in Sharjah, respectively called as 1st Court of Instance, the 2nd court of Appeal and the 3rd court of Cassation.
Family Courts in Sharjah
The family courts in Sharjah play the important role in protecting family values in Emirate of Sharjah. The Family Court Sharjah is responsible for ensuring transparency and fairness in family legal matters. Moreover, the court also encourages resolving cases through mediation, in which the conflicts can be resolved quickly and amicably. As for non-Muslims and expatriates, the Sharjah family court implements their country’s laws as per the case to ensure inclusivity amongst the diverse population in Sharjah.
How are Marriages Registered in Sharjah?
The marriages in Sharjah are registered with Sharjah Family Courts. These courts have to comply with the UAE family courts and judicial system. As per the UAE family laws, Muslims can get married through Sharia laws, which involves ‘NIKKAH’ – a contract of marriage signed by both the man and the woman and has witnesses to this ceremony. The ‘NIKKAH’ also specifies a financial amount given to the wife after the marriage as security. The non-Muslims are also married in the Sharjah Family Courts, but they have other ways to have marriage registration. The family lawyer in Sharjah guides them about registering their marriage in the UAE while respecting cultural differences. Learn more here that how to perform NIKKAH in ISLAM.
The marriage registration is simplified by the marriage lawyers in Sharjah by formalizing the marital relationships according to the couple’s background. The family courts in Sharjah have laid the foundation for sustainable family dispute resolution strategies. You can consult our marriage lawyers in Sharjah for guidelines and legal help.
How is a Divorce Processed in Sharjah?
Divorce is taken by the couple when they do not want to live together anymore after getting married. In most cases, lawyers recommend reconciliation in a decent timeframe, especially when the children are involved. Suppose the matter is not resolved after reconciliation. In that case, the court will do its legal proceedings for divorce, which means child custody, alimony, and child visitation rights will also be finalized. Muslims and non-Muslims both are given the right to get an amicable divorce through Sharia and their country’s laws. Our divorce lawyers in Sharjah are competent to offer divorce settlement and divorce through court, services in the United Arab Emirates.
Child Custody Cases
UAE family laws focus on the welfare of the children. They have specified child rights under the ‘WADEEMA LAW.’ However, when a parent divorces, the child is also affected by their separation. Therefore, the court ensures that divorce affects the child the least. Usually, the child’s custody is given to the mother for personal development. In contrast, the father is a guardian who has to support the child’s economic development and provide financial support for their better education.
Is it always the same in Child Custody Cases?
The UAE family laws are fair and protect every individual’s rights. Child custody also sometimes changes depending on the circumstances. The mother earns more than the father, and she can be the guardian. The father can get visitation rights. In another case, if the mother’s emotional and mental health is severely disturbed by the traumatic experiences she has gone through, then the father can get custody of the child. However, the Sharjah Family Courts will ensure the child is given a safe personal and social development environment.
Family Wills and Inheritance Cases in Sharjah
These issues are resolved in Sharjah Family Courts when it comes to family inheritance and wills in Sharjah. Like other rules and regulations, inheritance and wills are also discussed per the UAE family laws. Muslims will follow Sharia law regarding inheritance, whereas non-Muslims can implement laws in their country that comply with UAE laws. Family inheritance and wills are created to save and protect assets and wealth from the outside world and avoid family conflicts. Therefore, rich people ensure they make a will before they abode for the eternal peace (death).
We have the top family lawyers in Sharjah as well as family lawyers in UAE. You can book the legal appointment to understand about the, family law, rules and how to open a case. Non-Muslim expatriates can choose their laws now in Sharjah based on new federal laws for Non-Muslim expatriates. We can also help the Non-Muslim expatriates in their family disputes.