March 22, 2022
We will try to understand Whistleblowing here and the role of a Whistleblower. He is the person inside the company who is an employee or sometimes an equal interest holder like a partner, shareholder who reveal the conspiracy in an organization. When he comes to know that few activities are being performed inside the organization which are against the interest of the company and the country then he shows honesty and loyalty and be a Whistleblower.
A whistleblower has to pay the cost of his loyalty, and he has to be protected by the company or the country for his honesty. A whistleblower has to finish his research first. He should be fully prepared with his research, content and preparation. If he could not prove his stance or he tries to put false allegations then it can also turn against him seriously.
Dubai Financial Crime Law for Whistleblowing:
Whistleblowing Laws for Whistleblowing Protection are available in UAE. This particular law says that Whistleblowers must be provided protection. For example, DIFC, a free zone in Dubai, has its own rules and laws to protect the Whistleblowers. A Law known as, Financial Crime Law Dubai with Law # 4 of 2016, stated the very first time about the protection of whistleblowers. It states that a person who brings the truth before the concerned authorities, or wherever it has to be, will be protected. He will be protected against court cases, any kind of prosecution and other issues created at his workplace.

As per law whistleblowing which is against the company or the employer, also needs to be treated under this law. The whistleblower has to be protected and he will not be bound to sign an additional agreement with the employer after this incident which has not been signed before e.g. Non-Competition, Non-Disclosure etc.
Read: Whistleblowing and Central Bank UAE