The Road Traffic Act in UAE
August 30, 2024
There is no doubt while saying and while understanding that UAE has built up a reputation as a global leader in establishing and providing the infrastructure, a large connected network of carpet roads. It connects its cities/emirates and allows the rapidly growing population to perform its daily day professional and personal tasks quickly.
Due to its wonderful infrastructure, it also allows vehicles in large numbers, on the roads and continues to be increased every year. Therefore, the UAE government including all the emirates’ local government, has implemented rules, regulations and stringent laws which are under the Road Traffic Act. It ensures road safety. We are going to share a detailed overview of the Road Traffic Act, its important points, provisions, and penalties.
What is its Overview?
UAE’s Road Traffic Act is not a small deal. It’s a comprehensive set of rules and laws which is specially designed to regulate road use and its safety. It is introduced to reduce the traffic violations. It is implemented to decrease road accidents. Therefore, we said that this act contains a wide range of rules and regulations. It governs driver behaviour, and his responsibility towards pedestrians too.
When it comes to enforcing this act then please be informed that it is enforced by traffic police UAE with the assistance of other relevant authorities in UAE. The major objective is to make sure that there is no minimum breach of laws and that there are zero accidents on the UAE roads. It also contains instructions about safety measures, mobile phone warnings, seat belt warnings etc. We will discuss its key points and objectives below:
- What else is more than speed or dangerous than speed? Therefore, following the speed limit is the top priority in the United Arab Emirates Road Act. Speed limits on different roads and high wars are defined. The breach resulted in fines, black points and eventually impounding the car.
- Even though, someone is an expert in driving, but it does not mean, he is exempted from wearing a seat belt. Breach causes fines and black points. It seems a very ordinary precaution but there is no tolerance for wearing a seat belt.
- Mobile phone usage is strictly not allowed. If the driver is found using, the mobile phone then he can be fined or given black points. Please keep in mind that confiscation of a car or car impound as penalties, do exist in every scenario.
- No one is allowed to drive under the influence of alcohol. A big fine can be given for this breach of the Road Act and laws.
- Signals should be followed and, traffic laws must be considered seriously. Any breach can result in serious consequences. It is also considered as a serious offence not just a breach of road or traffic law.
- Vehicle drivers have to give way to pedestrians. They have to give way at designated areas e.g. crosswalks.
- Last but not least, it has to be made sure that all the car safety measures are also taken
Penalties and Fines
- Fines (2) Back Points (3) Vehicle impound (4) Imprisonment (5) Suspension of license. For details, readers can directly visit the website or click here.
Penalties and Fines
Public awareness is the top priority of the UAE government. Therefore, the government conducts workshops and campaigns on a regular basis to educate the public. The government provides important information, safety measure details and awareness. Apart from the government the local UAE national lawyers and legal consultants, are also helpful in understanding about the laws, responsibilities and precautions. UAE national lawyers e.g. lawyers in Dubai or Abu Dhabi lawyers etc, under the banner of UAE Law Firms, are also committed to providing information and legal support to people living in the UAE.
Do you know about reporting an unknown road traffic accident in the UAE?