Tenancy Eviction Notice
June 29, 2022
Real Estate sector is the powerful business and development sector Real Estate. People from, all over the world are interested to invest in UAE Real Estate, especially in Dubai. The Real Estate sector is one of the most developing and important business sectors in UAE. Dubai is, known for its luxury and important buildings. DUBAI has been accepted as world’s most luxurious, safest and modern place to live and enjoy the life. It’s a natural process when the importance of one thing will be increased then chances of risks or the disputes will also be increased. When a landlord wants to vacate his property, then tenant, is given a notice from the landlord. It is a situation where we can see many landlords and tenants fighting with one another.
Real Estate Lawyers are the Advocates and Legal Consultants, who are hired to fix the Rental Issues. Same Lawyers also do help to finish the cases in Land Department. Collectively, these lawyers are called as Real Estate Lawyers or sometimes the Property Lawyers. These lawyers also offer the legal consultancy services and the rental court services.