Private Investigators in United Arab Emirates
July 7, 2022
The United Arab Emirates do not allow private investigator to be hired. It cannot be hired anywhere in the United Arab Emirates, in all the Emirates of UAE, and throughout the United Arab Emirates. It can neither be arranged inside the country nor outside the country. UAE Criminal Law 378, explains that hiring of private doctors in the UAE is not allowed. A person breaching the Law will be punished or sentenced if he is found spying on others or found in detective activity.
This kind of job is allowed neither by somebody inside the UAE nor outside the UAE. A person who is found as spying on others, recording calls, emails, and communications, following others, or collecting information about others, will be charged as breaching the Law which is UAE Criminal Law 378. He can be punished or sentenced. If the privacy of a person is attacked, compromised or followed then he can request police authorities to register a complaint as per the Article of Law which is Article 30 UAE Criminal Law 35, 1992.
There is no kind of private investigation business in the UAE. The UAE government does not allow any business like this. There is no trade license or business approval for such kinds of businesses. Apart from this, if anyone is found in such activity then he or she will be charged or punished as per the Law.
So, What is the Solution?
If anybody has any issue with some people or a group of people then the law does not allow him to start practising law himself. He should contact local law authorities or he can also contact the local law firms or Criminal Lawyers. These Criminal Lawyers will, first of all, inform the person about his rights and limitations. Second these Law Firms and Advocates offer, Criminal Law services so people could get quick justice in Court. Therefore, this is better to book a legal appointment with a lawyer or Legal consultant. Please keep in mind that there is no excuse in Law for ignorance or zero-knowledge.