First of all, we need to understand what Alimony is about and what is this indeed. The general definition is that it is financial support that is given to a spouse by the court when they are divorced or going to be divorced. Child Support is also awarded by the court which is an obligation upon husband/male towards wife/female, when she keeps the custody of children, based on the decision taken by law. The UAE government has introduced the standard and fixed amount of alimony, child support now which can be checked with Family Law UAE or any good Family Lawyer. This is also called Spousal Maintenance sometimes. There is a complete article on this called “HOW MUCH A WIFE CAN ASK ALIMONY”.
Well, a few conditions have also to be met in this regard. Every situation and the court case can’t be the same, therefore as per law, conditions need to be met & checked first. The few things are like the total earning of a husband in a month. Wife has to prove in court about his earnings and property if he is trying to escape. A woman has to ask for the amount which is reasonable as per the income of the husband. This amount should also be legitimate so the court could accept it. Women can ask for the living expenditures as per the life he has before. If both cannot meet the lifestyle of a married couple, then divorce is issued on the basis of sharing the expense equally.

Message by the Law Office
Further to this, it is impossible to understand for the layman. He or she has to meet a lawyer who will make the Alimony and Family Law easier for him or her. We suggest booking a legal appointment and seeing our expert lawyers. Our Expert Lawyer and Law Genius, Advocate Mr. Mohamad Ebrahim Hassan Al Shaiba, do provide legal counseling and court representation services.
Alimony to Wife and Alimony to Children, becomes a serious concern when a woman is divorced or she wants to get divorced due to reasons created by husband. Such cases take a little long time in courts therefore the legal representation should be by a lawyer who is an Emirati Lawyer and into this industry for several years. It must be by a lawyer who is well known and most trusted like Advocate Mr Mohammad Ebrahim Hassan Al Shaiba of Al Shaiba Advocates and Legal Consultants. The Best Alimony Lawyers and Spousal Support Lawyer.