New E-commerce Law in the UAE
January 15, 2024
United Arab Emirates, is a global trade hub. It is just because of the rules, comfort and support of local government. UAE government provides protection and safety to investments. Therefore, every year-old laws are modified and new rules are introduced. UAE government also introduces the new E-commerce Laws along with several financial and business laws. This way UAE meets with modern world and modern trade system.
It accommodates the evolving criteria and requirements of modern e-commerce or online trade. Consumers can be served better and in a very efficient manner. The new laws make the process of license easier, cheaper and quick. E-commerce license allows the many new youngsters to start a new business.
UAE is a place where tax system is very much relaxed and free zone also offers xero tax services. Such an environment is fully supported for modern E-Commerce Business. Therefore, it was necessary and inevitable to introduce the new E-Commerce and Online Business Laws. Payment systems, technological support and safety, refund policies, delivery processes, are the few points where E-commerce laws in UAE pay the special attention. It is made sure that customers can’t be cheated and they get the services or products they are paying for. New Ecommerce rules are for B2B and B2C.
Federal Decree Law 14/2023 is the UAE Law, to describe the E-Commerce rules in United Arab Emirates. Digital Payment Gateways, Central Bank Involvement, Tax regulation and implementations, are also described in details through this Federal Decree Law. New E-commerce Law also covers the cybersecurity and the international online trading rules. It is all monitored by UAE Cyber Security Departments, Economic Departments etc.
The best part is the additional burden. It does not put additional burden on traders, investors, online e-commerce backgrounds etc. It protects intellectual property rights and all the patent rights. It’s a best new development in the country and protecting the local and international E-Commerce Businesses in UAE. It’s a modern Legislation to meet with the modern trends.
E-commerce law was implemented in UAE in 2006 but it has been revised now, in 2023 to meet with modern requirements and standards. UAE is one of those countries, where modern logistics, technologies and methodologies are used for supply chain, trade and business management. It is also made sure that sustainable and environmental approach is used.
We have expert business attorneys helping individuals and businesses to understand, new e-commerce laws, cyber security, setting up the company, VAT, federal taxations, rules, regulations, license requirements etc. We are the same law company writes in Top News Paper in UAE. We are recruiting the most experienced and renowned lawyers in United Arab Emirates. Our Emirati Law Company is known for producing the results and protecting the tangible and intangible values of individuals and corporate sectors. We always recommend to book the legal appointment, with top legal attorneys before getting in to any kind of decision. Foreign investors and businesses must consult our Advocates and Legal Consultants before setting up the company, branch office or making investments in UAE.