Domestic Violence Laws in the UAE
Domestic violence is a broader category of crime all over the world. Individuals have been the victims of domestic violence in different ways. They have been tolerating the abusive behaviors of others in society. It is a global issue and sensitive to talk about. However, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its stringent criminal laws, ensuring justice and safety for everyone. Nevertheless, the authorities in the UAE provide robust solutions.
Overview of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is an act of abuse that is done to the spouse or any family member. The case escalates with emotional trauma and physical injuries. Sometimes, a person is domestically abused when they are given mental torture, such as financial abuse. However, the cases of domestic violence are conducted behind the doors, and so they are underreported in the UAE and many other countries.
Cultural Sensitivity in UAE
The UAE has a diverse population. Most of its population is of expats, as people are coming from other parts of the world for better jobs. They are sensitive to talk about topics such as domestic violence and rape. However, the UAE government has taken several steps to encourage the survivors to talk about those issues. They are breaking the silence by creating awareness campaigns across the UAE.
Reporting Mechanism in the UAE
The UAE has a hybrid legal system consisting of laws based on Islamic principles and civil law. It allows Muslims and non-Muslims to resolve their cases under specific legal requirements. However, these laws also ensure that the cases of domestic violence are considered with utmost priority and the victim gets safe. Under the Federal Law of Family Protection Policy, domestic violence is well fought by the victims. The law has outlined the prohibited acts and also established mechanisms to report those cases. However, the law has also defined domestic violence and how courts can take steps to prevent these cases in the future by giving harsh punishments to the crime offender. Moreover, the UAE government has also launched rehabilitation programmer for the criminals to prevent them from doing repeated disgusting acts.
Legal Safety in the UAE
The UAE law has also outlined the punishment for threatening or harassing the partner or the family member. The culprit will either have to pay the fine or be imprisoned as per the law. Moreover, cyber harassment is also under control through new legal reforms in the UAE. These acts include harassment or sexual assault conducted online. Nevertheless, child protection laws remain a priority to save minors from every kind of abuse, such as child labor or child sexual abuse.
How Can You Report a Case in the UAE?
Domestic violence laws are created to ensure that everyone remains safe and the crime offender is punished for conducting such a crime. However, the victims can report their cases in different ways. They have dedicated police hotlines where the case is directly reported to one of the UAE police stations. Secondly, having smart mobile apps has also encouraged victims to report a case of domestic violence from their comfort zone. However, confidentiality is ensured throughout the case. Moreover, victims who do not have families can stay in shelter homes designed for them, known as family protection units. There have been special centers for women and children who can take immediate refuge in those shelters.
Additional Support to the Victims
The survivors of domestic violence can get counseling and therapy to get through the trauma. Also, they can avail themselves of free legal services in the UAE, as many non-profit organizations and lawyers’ associations are working to help those victims. The victims can also get financial assistance under different community projects in the UAE.
Preventive Measures for Domestic Violence
The UAE government is trying to eradicate domestic violence from the region. However, it has challenges, such as cultural sensitivity, as many expats do not want to talk about the issue. Therefore, several awareness campaigns and initiatives are taken by non-profit organizations and community engagements to let the masses know about domestic violence. However, the UAE has taken help from social media, where it has created many online awareness campaigns.
Educational Institutions are Helpful
Universities and schools are encouraged to organize seminars and workshops in which students learn about domestic violence and how to report it if they see it happening. Also, workplace harassment policies can ensure zero tolerance for violence in the business environment.
Community Engagement in UAE
Several issues are resolved in the UAE when engagements are conducted on a community level. Many people listen to their religious leaders so they can explain domestic violence to their community, ensuring they are heard by the masses. People respect religious leaders, and so they will listen to them carefully.
Challenges of Domestic Violence in the UAE
Domestic violence has its challenges in the UAE. Those cases are underreported in the UAE due to cultural sensitivity. Therefore, legal enforcement agencies may never know the actual number of domestic violence cases in the UAE. Consequently, many individuals are unaware of the characteristics of domestic violence. They may have seen it happening earlier in their childhood and never thought any of those acts could be wrong. For example, a child who has seen their mother beaten by their father all their life may not find it wrong if they beat their spouse in the future.
Vulnerability of the Expats in the UAE
When it comes to harassment or domestic violence, expats are the most vulnerable among all the victims. They do not know how and where to report their case in the UAE. However, even if they know, they can be deported by their spouse. They will need proper legal support to intervene and protect their rights throughout the case.
UAE Compared to Other Countries
The UAE has a zero-tolerance policy against any kind of violence. Its robust legal system emphasizes the safety of the victim. However, other countries might not have many legal challenges as they have one set of laws to follow. The UAE is a blend of civil and Islamic principles; therefore, cases need special attention to meet the best international practices of human rights.
Improvements to be made in UAE
The UAE has to create a better way to collect data. There must be a policy to guide domestic violence and how the state or the law will legally protect the victim. Enhancing the data collection strategy will help to know about underreported domestic violence cases. Moreover, community engagement shall be encouraged as it overcomes many barriers. Last but not least, the crime offenders should be offered rehabilitation services, ensuring the reduction of crimes in the UAE.
Legal Help in the UAE
The issue of domestic violence is serious and sensitive all over the world. However, the UAE is maintaining its law-and-order situation in the best way it can. Nevertheless, victims receiving support from the legal enforcement agencies can help the authorities in resolving more domestic violence cases in all emirates. Therefore, it should keep working on strategies to make the general public aware of domestic violence. Community engagement strategy serves the best because people actually listen to religious leaders as they find them accessible in all matters. We suggest to consult our lawyers in Dubai. We are among top Law Firms in Dubai having most experienced and professional legal experts. You can meet us and grab all the legal opinion.