Homicides Prevented in UAE

Homicides Prevented in UAE

By Published On: January 8, 2025Views: 167

UAE has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or harassment. Despite its strong criminal laws, heinous crimes continue to happen in the UAE. Several cases of homicide have been reported recently. Nevertheless, the UAE government is working to strengthen criminal laws to reduce crime rates across the region. There is no doubt, that crime rates in UAE are at the most minimum level in UAE. Though the homicide rate is lower in the UAE compared to other countries, the issue remains an integral part of the discussion of the policymakers. UAE also has policy of continuous improvement and change. Therefore UAE also tries to improve the every existing law with the passage of time, to bring the more improvement.

Homicide Cases in UAE

Among the 192 countries in the world, the UAE is reported to have a low crime rate. Despite its robust legal system, there are incidents of homicide in the UAE. Most of those cases happen due to personal disputes or financial disagreements between the two parties. Therefore, the UAE is constantly working on improving its legal system and maintaining public law and order in the region. This way crimes could be more reduced and quick justice can also be provided. This is not a big deal to provide a justice. The big deal is to provide the quick justice. UAE has this target to deliver quick and free justice to every resident in UAE.

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How is a Homicide Case Handled

The UAE has a hybrid legal system, which means it combines Sharia law with civil laws. Homicide cases are handled under the Federal Penal Code and Islamic laws. The penalties for homicide vary from imprisonment to capital punishment. Depending on the severity of the crime whether the offender should be imprisoned or given capital punishment depends on the severity of the crime. You can consult our lawyers for a better understanding.

Several Types of Homicides

A homicide is a heinous crime to commit. Murdering someone with an intention to kill them is a brutal thought. Therefore, the UAE has extreme punishments based on the severity of the case:

  • Intentional Homicide

The crime offender has planned the murder, and if proven guilty, they are given capital punishment. However, in some cases, the victim’s family accepts the blood money, and the criminal is forgiven. It is allowed in Islam.

  • Unintentional Homicide

The unintentional homicide could be caused accidentally. Usually, brutal road traffic accidents are examples of unintentional homicide. In such cases, the fine is paid by the default party, and they have to pay the blood money for the victim’s family.

Process of the Homicide Cases in the UAE

The judicial processes could be complicated unless the evidence does not indicate the crime offender. However, the criminal courts resolve homicide cases, where the judge receives the evidence, forensic reports, and witnesses to determine who is guilty in the case. However, the Islamic courts can intervene to negotiate for blood money or make another family settlement. Other than that, the crime offender can get capital punishment. However, it is rare to have such cases in the UAE, as approval from the highest authorities is required.

Social and Cultural Context

The UAE has a multi-diverse population, making it a country that accepts diversity and inclusivity. You can see expats gathering here from every corner of the world. Though the UAE ensures the protection and safety of every individual, including expats, but conflicts still arise, leading to violence. We can also say that as per laws of nature, perfection is not possible. To maintain law and order in the UAE, the government tries to make friendly relations with foreigners. Cultural misunderstandings that expats cannot handle could result in homicide.

Making UAE a Better Country

The families in the UAE can play a significant role in deterring homicide. They can intervene in the conflict, negotiating a better settlement than taking each other’s life. Sometimes, the workplace puts so much pressure on individuals in UAE that it leads to their poor mental health. Financial instability or workplace issues can trigger an individual to commit a violent act. Therefore, family laws are of utmost importance in UAE.

Prevention of Homicide

To prevent homicides in UAE, the relevant agencies have taken a few steps to ensure the safety of the UAE residents. They have created strategies that include community engagements and technology:

  • Surveillance Systems

The UAE has started relying on artificial intelligence (AI) by making surveillance cameras. Those cameras have facial recognition, which means they can monitor public spaces and deter crimes. These cameras will restrict unauthorized access.

  • Policing in the Community

Patrolling was already happening in different communities. But now, legal enforcement agencies have created public awareness campaigns and more communication channels to have dialogues and resolve issues in a friendly manner.

  • Conflict Resolution

Many lawyers in the UAE have found alternative dispute-resolution techniques. They have resolved several legal disputes with a high chance of making an amicable settlement between the two parties.

  • Mental Health Programs

Several mental health workshops are organized in the UAE, where individuals talk about their stress and express anger. They also learn techniques to avoid being triggered at home or anywhere else. This helps them create better mental health for themselves.

High-Profile Incidents of Homicides in the UAE

There are very few high-profile cases in UAE, but the media still find them. Usually, these cases are related to expats, and people want quick legal action. However, the UAE media coverage also highlights the UAE’s legal system, which is always working for justice and fairness. Nevertheless, public opinion on homicide in the UAE has been created to protect the country’s reputation. The UAE residents are confident and trust the UAE judicial system, ensuring safety for everyone.

UAE Homicides Vs. Global Homicides

The global homicides are based on the socioeconomic factors. However, in UAE, the homicide rate is quite low, yet some factors have made homicide incidents very few:

  • Legal System

The UAE has stringent criminal laws such as imprisonment and capital punishment.

  • Efficient Policing

With the advancement in technology, law enforcement agencies can work efficiently to identify potential threats, as facial recognition and AI surveillance cameras have restricted illegal activities in public spaces.

  • Social Stability

The high living standards in the UAE ensure social stability, making everyone afford a good lifestyle.

  • Control on Drug Abuse

The authorities in the UAE have been working on controlling drug abuse by introducing penalties for drug trafficking and illegal consumption of alcohol. However, these proactive measures have minimized violence amongst the masses.

Prevention of Homicide Crimes in the Future

Though the UAE has a very low crime rate and is continuously working on preventing homicides, there are challenges as well. There are a lot of areas to be improved in the UAE social fabric:

  • Addressing the Root Causes

Individuals are dealing with mental stress at work. Conflicts arise when they have no place to talk about their stress Therefore, workplaces should come up with policies to balance workforces effectively.

  • Create Rehabilitation Programs

Criminal offenders should be admitted to any rehabilitation program that would help them to become better people, creating a transformative impact on society.

  • Foster Cultural Understanding

Though the UAE has a greater population of expats from all over the world, the government should work to improve relations with other countries. Cultural events and shows must be held to foster good relations.

UAE Preventing Homicide Cases

The UAE has very few homicide cases, but it is still working on making a better country for its nationals and expats. The stringent laws have deterred many criminals in the past. Currently, the UAE law enforcement agencies have leveled up their security measures by working on AI smart solutions. People are monitored in malls, coffee shops, and parking lots. Everything is recorded in a high-definition surveillance camera. Tourists and UAE residents should always feel secure in the UAE.

Our Lawyers in Dubai

Our Lawyers in Dubai, are the top leading lawyers in Dubai. You can consult them for grabbing the legal knowledge, consulting on some disputes, or for understanding the advancements of law in United Arab Emirates.