Gambling Laws in Dubai
United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a legal system that includes Islamic and civil laws. Its population consists of migrant workers who come from America, Australia, Asia, and Europe to explore better career opportunities. Despite its multicultural population, the UAE government has been stringent in some of its laws. Every country has to be strict up to some extent, because this is necessary to maintain business operations, living and peace in country. Our lawyers in Dubai are by a leading Dubai Law Firm only, who provides such a latest and informative knowledge and news along with legal services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman and all over the United Arab Emirates. Because law is federal therefore, the restrictions, penalties, fines, punishments are implemented in all over the UAE.
Activities Restricted in Dubai
Knowing it as an Islamic country, some laws are understood because Muslims cannot perform those acts, but there is no restriction to other people. Alcohol consumption is allowed but only in designated restaurants because you need a license to stock alcohol in the UAE. Additionally, let us tell you that Alcohol consumption is only allowed for Non-Muslims. However, the use of drugs, cannabis is totally forbidden, whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim. There is a zero-tolerance policy for drug violence in UAE. Gambling is another prohibited activity in the United Arab Emirates, whether done in a traditional way or online. There are penalties for gambling in the Dubai. Our lawyers in Dubai can provide all the details about prohibited drugs in Dubai.
Legal Status of Gambling in Dubai
Under the Federal Penal Code, gambling is prohibited, offline and online. According to Islamic principles, gambling leads to social harm to individuals. Article 414 of the Penal Code defines gambling as a game that has the potential to win or lose on chances, but no gaming strategies are applied. Anyone found operating or participating in gambling activities will face severe consequences in the Dubai. Online gambling is penalised under cybercrime laws, and all digital gambling platforms have been blocked by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in the UAE. Users are unable to access gambling websites and apps in the region.
- Federal Law Article 413 defines the gambling as a game in which one party promises to pay the other party of loses.
- Federal Law Article 414, whoever gambles must be punished by detention for two years.
- Federal Law Articles 415, explains that if a person is found doing business of gambling then, detention can be 10 years.
Federal Law Article 416 explains that all the instruments, tools and gadgets will be seized.
Penalties for Gambling in Dubai and all over the UAE
The UAE ensures strict penalties against offline and online gambling. Penalizing individuals for gambling deters others from participating in illegal gaming in Dubai, and shows the country’s legal values. The participants and operators both get penalties according to the severity of the crime they have committed. The participants may have to pay a fine between AED 250,000 and AED 500,000 and at least three months imprisonment. Please check with our lawyers for the latest info or visit the direct web portal. Our Dubai Law Firms allllways provided the latest information.
Gambling operators will face serious consequences, as their crime is bigger than the gamblers’. They will have to pay more than AED 1,000,000 and face an extended imprisonment duration. If you are an expat, you will be deported after serving a sentence in the Dubai. Moreover, all your money and assets will be seized that were earned through gambling in the Dubai.
Reasons for Gambling Banned in Dubai
Your Content Goes HereThe UAE has a multi-diverse population, but it is an Islamic country. Due to cultural, religious and social reasons, gambling is banned in the UAE. Your nationality does not matter, as gambling is strictly prohibited in the region. Islamic law does not allow gambling because it exploits the person with unjust money and distracts Muslims from praying five times a day. The social impact of gambling can be seen in various scenarios where it would ruin the family’s reputation and bring financial constraints upon them and their family. The UAE’s legal system respects family stability and strives to keep a good impression of family life in the country. Moreover, gambling is not considered revenue by the UAE government as other countries would.
Implementation of Online Gambling Laws
Gambling laws are enforced all over the UAE, ensuring zero tolerance for illegal earnings, offline and online. TRA plays the biggest contributor to ending gambling online, as they have blocked access to all the gambling websites and monitor monitored if any new websites are created. Through artificial intelligence (AI) tools, they can detect websites with gambling content, especially where it is offered to the users to play. The violators of gambling are penalised under the cybercrime laws.
However, the authorities investigate the cases of financial transactions for confirmation of the gambling offenders. The educational institutions have created public awareness campaigns against gambling participation and laws, ensuring individuals understand that gambling is a criminal offence in the UAE. UAE is equipped with all the modern applications, tools and applications to detect, find and control the illegal activities inside the UAE.
Problems or Challenges
Emirate of Dubai has embraced modern technology, and it has become challenging for the government to implement gambling laws. With open access to the internet and virtual private network (VPN), individuals can access platforms from other countries. They might be using a computer in the UAE, but the VPN gives them the chance to dodge the location with their choice of country. Secondly, authorities may not know if cryptocurrencies have been introduced to the UAE online gambling activity. The authorities in the UAE cannot punish the operators who gamble online in other countries. They have to monitor the entire UAE internet to block access to gambling websites or remove access to VPNs.
Global Trends Vs. Dubai Culture
It is challenging for the Dubai to be open to many expats, but the government will never compromise on its legal system, which is known for its stringent laws. Other countries might be allowing gambling, but the Dubai has taken pride in creating stringent laws to control illegal activities in the country.
Tips for the Dubai Tourists and Residents
It is important for UAE residents and tourists to understand the basic rules and regulations, ensuring everyone’s safety and a zero-tolerance policy for violence. Sometimes, visitors or residents conduct unintentional violations. They can avoid those violations by not accessing gambling platforms or opening random links and VPNs in the UAE. Make your stay memorable by keeping up with UAE laws, especially prohibition laws.
If Not Gambling, then What?
Gambling is not the only entertainment. You can enjoy several other culturally suitable and totally legal activities and events in Dubai all over the region. Engaging in sports activities could be fun, as you get a chance to visit desert safaris and do water sports in some parks. If you are fond of learning about other people’s cultures, then you can watch several cultural performances happening in different emirates throughout your stay. Making your travel experience interesting, you can also participate in skill-based competitions and get rewarded for your potential.
Will the Dubai Avoid Gambling in the Future?
The Dubai believes in justice and equality with modesty. Therefore, it may never have a chance to allow gambling because that would hurt the sentiments of the religious people, especially Muslims. However, the societal impact of ruining family lives could be devastating for many individuals, especially those who have minors at home. Knowing the social and cultural values of the UAE, it will do whatever is possible to remove gambling from the region. Technology has been well-played by the Dubai government as they were able to block access to all gambling websites and apps from the country’s digital space.
Dubai – a city of Harmony
The Dubai (UAE) is considered to be a country with good family life. It will never allow activities that can harm families or individuals in a personal space. Therefore, it has stringent laws for every type of crime. The penalties are made harsher to deter crimes in the future. Fines and imprisonment depend on the severity of the criminal offence. However, rehabilitation services are offered to the offender to leverage the punishments in the legal system of the UAE. Suppose you are planning to visit the UAE. In that case, you must take a look at laws that prohibit activities such as alcohol consumption, use of cannabis and gambling, as conducting those activities can lead to imprisonment and deportation. Our lawyers in Dubai can provide you the best legal advice for safe travels and precautions to be adopted in Dubai and UAE.