Bangladeshi Expatriates in UAE

Bangladeshi Expatriates in UAE

By Published On: January 24, 2025Views: 145

The population of the United Arab Emirates is diverse. It has expats from Asia, America, Australia, and Europe. In addition to Indians and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis have also come to the UAE for career growth. The Bangladeshi expats have proven their skills in different sectors of the UAE, ensuring professionalism and skills. For legal support, you can meet with our Emirati lawyers in Dubai, UAE.

Reasons Bangladeshi Expats Choose the UAE

Half of the UAE’s population is expats. The Bangladeshi expats are attracted to the UAE’s economy, lucrative opportunities, proximity to their home country and community support. Though there is a small percentage of Bangladeshi expats in the UAE, the following reasons are valid for their likeness in the UAE:

  • Economic Stability

The UAE offers higher salaries than Bangladesh. There is no income tax, which allows Bangladeshi expats to support their families in their home country.

  • Employment Prospects

Bangladeshi expats are highly skilled and demanded in the UAE’s different sectors. Depending on their education and skills, they are employed in the construction industry, the healthcare sector, or even as domestic workers.

  • Geographical Location

The UAE and Bangladesh are close geographically. It is one of the shortest routes from the UAE, and people can easily visit their families there.

  • Community Support

Bangladeshis have different communities in the UAE. They can guide new expats from their home country and ensure their safety in the UAE.

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Job Opportunities for Bangladeshi Expats

The Bangladeshi expats in the UAE are skilled and have experience in different types of jobs:

  • Construction Industry

A number of Bangladeshi expats are working with full dedication and commitment in the UAE’s construction industry.

  • Working in Homes

Most of the female population of Bangladeshi expats work as house help in different UAE homes. The owners of the house hire them to do chores such as cleaning, cooking and laundry.

  • Tourism and Retail

The UAE thrives on its tourist industry. People come from all over the world to enjoy the luxurious lifestyle and experience different types of cuisine. Bangladeshi workers are employed in hotels, restaurants, and retail outlets.

  • Skilled Professionals

Bangladeshi ex-pats are skilled workers, such as electricians and nurses. They have better vocational skills than any other nationality in the UAE.

  • Retail Business

The UAE allows nationalities to open retail businesses in different emirates. Bangladeshi entrepreneurs have grocery shops, tailoring businesses, and catering services for the local people in the UAE.

Have Bangladeshis Adapted to UAE Lifestyle?

The UAE offers a rich lifestyle to its residents. The Bangladeshi expats get to see a multicultural environment where traditions from Eid to Holi to Christmas are celebrated throughout the year. The UAE ensures inclusivity for everyone:

  • Culinary

Bangladeshi food is available in different restaurants in the UAE. Dishes like biryani, hilsa fish, and pithas are famous in the UAE. Bangladeshi supermarkets are also available, ensuring home country taste as trade routes are convenient between Bangladesh and the UAE.

  • Social Life

Gatherings and cultural events are held according to Bangladesh’s traditions and customs. These opportunities are good for Bangladeshis to network with each other and become the support of their own people.

Social Fabric of the UAE

The Bangladeshi expats are familiar with the local culture and traditions:

  • Adapting Local Culture

Bangladeshi expats have respected the local traditions and cultures. This can be witnessed in their modest dress sense and polite public behaviour. Also, they understand that violating the rules in the UAE can make them face severe consequences such as paying fines and imprisonment. Deportation is also possible if you are an expat and involved in a crime. Bangladeshis can be deported to their home country.

  • Participation in the UAE Festivals

The UAE has festivals throughout the year, and the Bangladeshis really enjoy those celebrations. The UAE highly celebrates Ramadan and National Day. However, they also observe cultural events such as the Bengali New Year.

  • Language Barrier

Bangladeshis overcome the language barrier by adapting the English language to communicate with foreigners from different nationalities. They also learn Arabic but communicate in English when talking to the masses.

Challenges Faced by the Bangladeshi Expats

Relocation has never been easy for anyone. People move from one country to another for better opportunities. Despite so many opportunities for the Bangladeshis in the UAE, they still face challenges:

  • Problems with Employment Rights

Since Bangladeshi expats are domestic helpers in UAE homes, they often face salary delays and long working hours. The UAE government has introduced reforms such as the Wages Protection System (WPS) to ensure that every domestic worker gets paid on time. However, their working hours are also monitored to ensure optimum productivity.

  • Expensive Accommodation

For many nationalities, it is difficult to maintain a top-class lifestyle in the UAE, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. People with low incomes have to really work hard to earn good money and save it for future investments.

  • Support System for Bangladeshi Expats

The Bangladeshi expats have their communities in different emirates. These communities are helpful when taking initiatives for the Bangladeshis in their support. Other than support groups, the Bangladesh Embassy in Abu Dhabi and Dubai are also helpful when Bangladeshis need legal and administrative support. There are legal aid services that protect Bangladeshi expats, such as resolving employment disputes.

  • Positive Impact on Bangladesh’s Economy

The Bangladeshi expats working in the UAE have found ways to maximize their financial status by working in different sectors and opening businesses. However, the UAE does not have any income tax, which also gives an opportunity to send money to their home country. The Bangladeshi expats send money through Western Union or online banking.

Prospects for Bangladeshi Expats in the UAE

The UAE offers many job opportunities and career growth to expats, especially to Bangladeshi workers. They get vocational training throughout the year. With networking opportunities, Bangladeshi expats can opt for better job opportunities. They can also explore the UAE market to open a restaurant or any other service that would cater to the masses in the UAE.

Legal Consultants in the UAE

If you are looking for legal services in the UAE, you should know that lawyers charge differently. Bangladeshi expats must look into legal services that do not cost them an arm or leg. Legal services should be accessible and affordable in the UAE. We offer top lawyers and legal services in United Arab Emirates.