Laws Applied for begging and unlicensed charities
July 11, 2024
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) enforces very strict rules and regulations against begging and unlicensed fundraising or any sort of charity program. These rules and regulations, protect the interests of donors, and counter various types of begging, in order to make sure that funds are allocated properly and with honesty. These actions originate from the country’s dedication to security and the advertisement of any actions that might be used as a means of financing terrorism and other illegal activities. We will discuss the different laws and rules here applicable to this topic.
Laws and Rules applied:
- Federal Decree-Law No. 31 of 2021, UAE Penal Code outlines the consequences. This law is for both, professional individuals and professional groups begging. It covers the organizations managing people from the beginning.
- Begging is strictly prohibited, in UAE. A fine of 5000 AED and 3 months imprisonment is given. Deportations can also be an option if the beggar is committing the same mistake again and again or indulging in some serious crimes directly or indirectly.
- If a person is found in managing the begging network or organization then he can be fined up to AED100000 with 6 months jail. Basically encouraging others to beg, illegal and unauthorized charitable actions is also prohibited in UAE. It is stated under Article 476 of the UAE Penal Code.
- Any sort of false and fake online activity to raise funds is also prohibited and considered a punishable crime in the UAE. Federal Decree Law 34 of 2021. These sorts of online activities are punishable and also counted as punishable offences under Cybercrime laws in UAE.
- Donations can only be arranged by individuals or organizations if they have a permission or permit from the UAE government. Any sort of activity without a license is considered illegal.
- Fundraising without permission, is not allowed. It can bring a fine of up to AED 300000 and jail.
- More than one type of breach can also be applied. For example begging, money laundering, misrepresentation etc.
Begging is a punishable crime in the UAE. There is no flexibility for those who are found doing, or caught red-handed doing this activity. We suggest that one should not engage himself in such activities. One should also not encourage others. You can also grab more legal content and laws here.