What are the rights of tenants if rent is increased by 20 per cent.

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Rights of Tenants If Rent in Increased


A person signs a rental contract for a residential property, for residential purposes, in Dubai. A month before the expiry, the real estate office/landlord sends an email asking to increase the rent by 20%. Now subject is, according to the Dubai rental law, is the tenant entitled to request this increase? What is the legal procedure regarding this?

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As per Law, the change in rental agreement (change in rent amount) must be notified at least 90 days before the expiry of the contract. As per the Law, if either party has to amend the contract, then he has to inform the other party 90 days before the contract. 90 days prior to the expiry of the contract. As per law, the land landlord has the right to increase the rent up to 20% of the total rent value, but 90 days prior to its expiry. If the Landlord and Tenant both fail to have an agreement regarding this, the tenant can register the case in Rental Dispute Center, with a request and deposit the rent, for the requesting judge to renew the rental amount, which the agency will determine based on fair rent grounds.

  • For additional information and references, please check this out:  Gulf News