Japanese Expatriates: Living and Working in UAE
Japanese expatriates living and working in UAE. Japanese expats have been living for many many years in the United Arab Emirates also known as UAE. They have contributed to the UAE’s economic growth by finding many opportunities in the region. They have played a Signiant role in the development of UAE. UAE is a country where there is no income tax, sales tax, general tax, land tax etc., and UAE business laws also ensure fair practices in the business environment. The Japanese expats have also contributed to the cultural fabric of the UAE and maintained an enriched lifestyle. They have explored opportunities in Abu Dhabi and Dubai to make career advancements and send good money to their families in their home country. Japanese are known as the big investors in UAE and also a community living peacefully in UAE. Our lawyers in Dubai are recognized lawyers in UAE, we offer dedicated services to Japanese expats living in UAE.
Why do Japanese Choose United Arab Emirates:
A person who is coming from a poor country, can have the answer of this question. But why do Japanese move to UAE, when Japan is already a rich country, economically developed and people have no employment issue over there. The main reason is tax free zones, peace and safety. The Japanese have loved living in UAE for several reasons:
- Business / Corporate Opportunities
The UAE has well-established industries, allowing Japanese to work in them according to their skills. Many Japanese expats are employed in technology, healthcare, education, and finance. Our lawyers in Dubai can also advise on various business opportunities. These expats have also contributed to the digital business environment by automating businesses on virtual portals. Japanese are also playing role in the machine and robot sector of United Arab Emirates.
- Cultural Tolerance or Safe Environment
The UAE is a country with cultural tolerance, ensuring that everyone feels safe, regardless of their country, caste, tribe, culture or religion. Although the UAE is an Islamic country, but people still respect other religions, and everyone enjoy different festivities together. We are a full-service law firm with a team of top Emirati advocates and legal consultants.
- Zero Income Tax
There is no income tax in UAE, which allows expats to optimize their earnings by saving making investments. They can also have a better standard of living in UAE by maintaining a good house and a car for comfortable travelling.
Employment Prospects
The Japanese expats in UAE have found wonderful opportunities that not only bring innovation to the UAE but also show the global strength of Japanese and Japan. Let’s discuss some important points below:
- Roles in MNCs
Japanese are hired for corporate roles in UAE. Japanese companies operate in UAE, such as Hitachi and Mitsubishi. Today, these are known as multinational companies and the best ones in the automotive and technology sectors. Our lawyers in Dubai do provide the retainer-ship services to Japanese companies too.
- Engineering Fields
Japanese expats have skills that can be used in the UAE’s construction, manufacturing, and energy sectors. Most of them work and live in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and they are highly paid in those UAE industries.
- Hospitality and More
Tourism is one sector in which every economy thrives because it brings diversity to the country and demonstrates social cohesion between countries. However, the tourism sector in the UAE needs Japanese expats to serve Japanese tourists in restaurants and become their tour guides.
Lifestyle of Japanese in UAE
The lifestyle in the UAE is luxurious. It can be expensive for some expats, but budgeting can help them to develop a rich lifestyle. However, the Japanese expats take little time to adjust. Otherwise, they understand the culture of the UAE and respect those traditions by all means. There are rewarding experiences for Japanese expats in the UAE:
- Housing
Non-UAE nationals have designated areas where they can buy or rent accommodation. This does not mean that those apartments are not luxurious or have substandard construction. Those houses have excellent facilities for expats. However, the rents could be higher in Emirate of Dubai and Emirate of Abu Dhabi; therefore, the Japanese have to budget for good accommodation for a good living.
- Education
The UAE has a local and international schooling system. Japanese expats have enrolled their children in international schools for better education, as they offer a diverse and bilingual curriculum in UAE.
- Cuisine
The Japanese have introduced their local tastes in several UAE restaurants. Dishes like sushi, ramen, and tempura are very famous among UAE residents. Some places are specially for known these Japanese dishes.
- Adapting the Culture
The Japanese in the UAE respect the local culture and traditions. They are linked to Islamic traditions, such as celebrating Eid twice a year. However, this does not restrict Japanese from celebrating their customs and traditions:
UAE residents have traditional values based on respect. Japanese expats ensure that they have adapted to the local culture of the country in which they work.
- Multicultural Environment
Japanese expats working in UAE have the opportunity to work with more than 200 nationalities in their workplace. This allows them to learn and share amazing skills and experiences with others.
Challenges Faced by Japanese Expats
Relocation can be problematic sometimes, especially when there is a cultural shock involved. Despite having laws for the expats, the Japanese expats still face problems in their daily routine. However, these are not disputed challenges but are usually overcome with time:
- Language Barrier
The UAE locals speak Arabic, but expats do not understand that language, so many people speak English. Japanese expats are not used to talking in Arabic.
- Climate Adjustment
The UAE has a dry climate with summers. It is challenging for the Japanese to survive in those hot temperatures.
- Cultural Differences
The Japanese have to follow the culture of the UAE in terms of dress code and public behaviour. They must wear modest clothes and act humble, respecting the cultural values of the UAE.
Support for Japanese Expatriates
Different Japanese societies in UAE organize language classes and cultural events. They can also get help with visa status in the UAE or other administrative matters through the Japanese Consulate in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Exchange Opportunities: Culture
Cultural exchange opportunities for Japanese expats ensure support and harmony among other ethnicities. Several cultural events, such as the Japan Festival, take place throughout the year at different venues.
Collaborations with Educational Institutions
The UAE and Japan have collaborated for educational institutions that promote Japanese language and cultural exchange in the UAE.
Japan and the UAE on Mutual Grounds
Lately, many Japanese expats have explored amazing opportunities in UAE. They have contributed to the social and multicultural fabric of the UAE. Introducing Japanese dishes and language shows that the UAE is one of the countries where every nationality can safely adjust to the environment. Moreover, the Japanese have also offered business forums in the UAE, contributing to the economic growth of both countries. It is good for both countries to collaborate because people from both countries are working on innovative ideas related to artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the tech industry. As far as legal support is concerned then our lawyers in Dubai can help the Japanese expatriates in United Arab Emirates in their legal matters.