Will Registration in Emirates and Native Country
October 19, 2024
What are the options for an expatriate living in Dubai for writing a will, if he has properties in Dubai as well as his native country? What should exactly he do? What are their legal obligations to him? What are the laws to implement on him? Let’s discuss this matter. Non-Muslim expatriates are provided a chance to write a will in UAE, and they can choose the laws of their native country/home country while writing the wills.
Article 1 of Federal Decree Law No 41 of 2022 allows Non-Muslim expatriates to write a will by choosing their home country law. They can also choose marriage, or inheritance by choosing their home country laws. For will drafting, please be informed that the provided service is only available for Non-Muslims expatriates and citizens. Except in cases where any of them follow their native country’s laws on marriage, divorce, inheritance, and wills, without causing any harm. We will give a reference of law here:
“According to the guidelines established by the Implementing Regulations of this Decree-Law, a testator can leave a will that contains their assets to whoever he chooses.” It is supported by Article 11 of the UAE personal status law. For other details, you can check with our lawyers and legal consultants. We are one of the most senior and experienced lawyers and legal consultants in the United Arab Emirates.
Additionally, Non-Muslim will registration is also in accordance with Article 3 and Article 6 of Dubai Wills. Article 3 of Dubai Will Law is in accordance as “this law applies to all wills and estates of Non-Muslims in Dubai”. DIFC is also included. Article 6 of Dubai Wills is also in accordance as” Wills of non-Muslims, can be created at Dubai Courts and DIFC Courts, for Non-Muslims only.
DIFC Wills and DIFC Attorneys
The testator may include the movable and immovable assets in DIFC wills, existing anywhere in the world. It is also supported by DIFC rules and laws. DIFC lawyers can explain this point in detail.
DUBAI Court Wills
Non-Muslim individuals can register the will in Dubai Courts. Non-Muslim testators can register the Will in Dubai Courts for movable and immovable assets located anywhere in the world. Please check with DUBAI lawyers and legal consultants for this.