Operations of a Law Firm – 2

June 21, 2020

Family Law is also the part of Operations of a Law Firm in UAE. People do marriages, register their marriages, file the divorce, file for child custody, file for alimony, and file cases for mutual asset distribution. Obviously when people will be living here then there would be disputes as well. People want to get married here. People want to live here, when they get a personal dispute then they also want to get their ways apart. They try to get custody of the KIDS etc. All such requirements can only be handled by one person called Family Lawyer. Family Lawyer is supposed to help people in getting married, marriage registration, divorce filing, child custody, alimony and more. These are the lawyers, experts in Family Law. All the Family Disputes are to be handled and managed as per the religion of the parties. Good family law has to be a good familiar of Islamic Sharia Law and other religious Laws. You never know your client can be a Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Christian, etc. Therefore a Family Lawyer has to be prepared so he could help out the people as per his or her religions and customs. Rules which are common and equally applicable for everyone. We must advise that before taking any action, first, it is better to consult the lawyer. It will provide you with legal advice, you may grab the Knowledge and it clears that where do you stand. Once you are cleared with your position then you can easily take the legal action. It is to be noted that even if you go to Court, the first reconciliation department does the best to resolve the issue. Lawyers are not allowed to accompany the Clients there. If both or either party could not be convinced or agreed then the matter is forwarded to Court where it becomes the Court Case.